Our Candidates

Minnesota House

Harley Droba for MN House - 3A
Mark Munger for MN House - 3B

3A: Harley Droba was raised in International Falls. His commitment to service was honed in the Army and continued through his advocacy for veterans’ rights. He has been a strong voice for veterans in his roles with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the the Minnesota State VFW Council of Administration.

Harley has been a force for positive change in International Falls, from revitalizing the local bowling alley for youth to promoting unity on our city council. He co-founded “IFalls Nice” to  foster community spirit and hope. His candidacy for the Minnesota House is motivated by by a desire to serve Minnesota on a larger scale, championing unity and progress. harleydroba.com

3B: Mark Munger is a lifelong resident of NE Minnesota and an honors graduate of Duluth Denfeld High School, the University of Minnesota-Duluth, and the William Mitchell College of Law. Mark is a former Judge and Proctor City Attorney, a member of the Denfeld Hall of Fame, and a forty-year resident of Fredenberg Township. In addition, he is an Eagle Scout and honorably discharged from the United States Army Reserve.

Mark entered the race for one reason: our grandchildren. He wants to ensure a world where they can be safe, be free to pursue a quality public education, breathe clean air and drink clean water, earn a decent wage, receive affordable health care, and practice empathy and compassion with civility. www.munger4mn.com

US House of Representatives

Jen Schultz for Congress - District 8

Jen Schultz has lived in Duluth, MN for 20 years, where she is an economist, educator and union member at UMD. She grew up in a small town, raised by her mother after witnessing her father’s addiction to alcohol. Jen and her sister learned to be responsible at a young age while their mother was working and trying to better their life–experiences which have helped shape her into a hardworking, compassionate advocate for others.


Jen previously served eight years representing Duluth in the Minnesota Legislature, working with both Republicans and Democrats only in a divided government, where neither party had complete control, to achieve results. While in the Legislature, Jen served as Chair of House Human Services Finance & Policy Committee where she advanced measures to improve access to affordable healthcare and reduce prescription drug prices. She also served on Ways & Means, Taxes, Health Finance and Redistricting Committees, as Vice Chair of the Council of State Government Great Lakes Legislative Caucus Executive Board, and as a Commissioner on the Great Lakes Commission where she advocated for the protection of the Great Lakes, climate resilience, restoration of habitat, invasive species, and economic development. jenschultzforcongress.com 

US Senate

Amy Klobuchar for US Senate

Amy Klobuchar has always been guided by the values she learned growing up in Minnesota. As the granddaughter of an iron ore miner, the daughter of a teacher and a newspaperman and the first woman elected to the United States Senate from her state, Amy understands that we live in a country of shared dreams — that no matter where you come from, or who you are, or the color of your skin, or how much money you have, or where you worship, or who you love, you should be able to make it in the United States of America. amyklobuchar.com