2024 DFL Caucuses
2024 DFL Caucus Information
Precinct DFL Caucuses: Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Registration 6:30, caucuses start at 7pm.This official caucus finder at the MN Secretary of State site will have 2024 caucus locations beginning in February: https://
Upcoming Events
Calling all Delegates & Alternates to the St. Louis County DFL Organizing Unit 3 Convention!
Call for SLC OU3 Officers and Directors Nominees
Nominations are open! You can nominate yourself or someone else.
We have leadership opportunities for officers, directors, and State Central Committee members for St. Louis County Organizing Unit 3. It’s a great way to work with other like-minded individuals and help elect more Democrats in 2022.
Here are the open positions for SLC OU3.
Chair: Facilitates the SLC OU3 meetings throughout the two-year term, prepares for caucus and convention locations and provides positive organization, direction, leadership, and encouragement to the OU3 team and volunteers. Coordinates activities with SD3 Chair and chairs of nearby organizing units as necessary. Member of State Central Committee.
Vice Chair: Assists the chair. Serves as chair when necessary. Serves as Outreach Officer if the unit doesn’t have one. Member of State Central Committee.
Outreach Officer: Leads outreach and inclusion efforts throughout the district to ensure broad and diverse participation in the activities and leadership of SLC OU3. Responsible for developing and implementing the unit’s outreach and inclusion plan.
Secretary: Maintains the written record of meetings, maintains rosters of members, distributes meeting notices, notifies party affairs of changes to the executive committee or State Central Committee membership.
Treasurer: Legal representative of the unit to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. Responsible to keep strict financial records and submit those records to the MN CFB as required by law.
Directors (7 -12) Provide leadership and help with the work of the SLC OU3. Serve on committees to support the Officers in their work, help organize and do outreach for events throughout the two-year term.
Delegates and Alternates to the State Central Committee (3 delegates and 5 alternates) Attend two to four statewide convenings where DFL Party decisions and planning occur.
The nominations committee will hold screenings for the various positions over the three weeks leading up to the Organizing Unit convention on April 23, 2022.
The nominations committee will hold telephone and/or zoom interviews in April, and we will be in touch with a time for your interview. Keep it simple and submit your form as soon as possible!
You need to be a DFLer and live within the boundaries of OU3 but not necessarily a delegate or alternate to apply.
Please use the link to the google form below to self-nominate or nominate another person. Nominations are due by April 22, 2022.
Carol Orban
Chair, Nominations Committee
2022 Precinct Caucuses
Saturday Forum, DFL Ely Office
What: Saturday Forum
When: Saturday, October 30, 2021, 1-2 pm
Where: Ely DFL Office, 1311 East Sheridan St.
Please join us for this conversation about our relationship with the land.
Bill Tefft, retired Vermilion Community College instructor, will lead a discussion on “Our Personal Role in Maintaining Biodiversity on Northern Minnesota Private and Public Lands,” at the Ely DFL Office, 1311 East Sheridan Street, on Saturday, October 30, from 1-2 pm.
The event will be interactive, with Tefft facilitating dialogue among participants about the environment in which we live and how we think about the natural resources that add to our quality of life.
Tefft taught biology and parks and recreation at VCC for 33 years and has spent 45 years exploring the lands of Northeastern Minnesota.
“I have worked for and known public and private owners of those lands,” said Tefft, “the lands you and I own as individuals and the lands we own collectively.”
“This land is your land, and I want to hear your ideas about it,” he said.
This week’s discussion is the first in a series of Saturday forums the Ely DFL office will be hosting to explore elements of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party platform. The platform represents the values and legislative priorities of the members of the DFL.
Tefft’s discussion addresses the platform plank that states: “We believe in leaving the world in better condition than we found it through preservation of biodiversity and wilderness.”
Please wear a mask.
For more information call the Ely DFL Office: 218-365-3444 or see the St. Louis County DFL Organizing Unit 3 website at: https://slcou3.com.
St. Louis County OU3 DFL
DFL St. Louis County OU3 is an Organizing Unit in Senate District Three. It is a unit of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party.
To donate to the unit, please send a check care of our Treasurer, George Pliml at
Minnesota DFL Organizing Unit 3
10740 Wien Road
Cook, MN 55723
or go to Act Blue